Important update and contact information for Border Target Operating Model

British Embassy – With the first milestone of the Border Target Operating Model just around the corner, please find the UK Cabinet Office’s Borders Bulletin here with the latest information on the Border Target Operating Model and useful contact information that you can reach out to with any questions or problems in the coming days and weeks.

Free webinars on introduction Border Target Operating Model to help prepare

Get Ready for Brexit – Brexit once again requires your attention. From 31 January 2024, the UK government is gradually introducing the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM). On 31 January 2024, health certification will apply to medium-risk animal products, plants and food from the EU. Identity checks and physical inspections will be added by 30 April 2024. Finally, security declarations for EU imports will be enforced by 31 October 2024, with a limited dataset introduced to streamline customs declarations.

You are welcome to attend several online events informing you about this. These are relevant for companies exporting animal products, fish products, plants, plant products and/or animal food to the UK. Check here for the most up-to-date overview.

Please note! The UK government (DEFRA) runs monthly sector-specific online training sessions to prepare companies for the new veterinary and phytosanitary (SPS) import controls (certification and border controls) within the new Border Target Operating Model (TOM). View the current list of DEFRA webinars here.

Defra Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) webinars, recordings and events online available

DEFRA -The recordings of recent DEFRA webinars can be viewed via the BTOM YouTube page. DEFRA will continue to upload all recordings of webinars on this page as the BTOM implementation period progresses. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to keep up to date with the latest videos.

Read the entire post here. You can also register for the new events DEFRA is still organising here.

Always check if action is needed before departure to the UK – For access of cargo to the UK, the UK government now uses two different models: temporary storage and pre-lodgement. As a carrier, you need to know in advance which access model applies to your cargo. Pre-lodgement requires emphatic action on your part before your driver drives to the ferry terminal. Therefore, ask carefully which model applies to each shipment. Unnecessary delays at the Dutch ferry terminal and at the British border can thus be avoided.

When temporary storage, when pre-lodgement?
The British ports served by the Dutch ferry operators allow both access models. Check this schedule for each ferry operator to see when temporary storage applies to your cargo and when pre-lodgement. Caution! A wrong choice in the model can usually not be corrected after arrival at the Dutch ferry terminals. The shipment then automatically falls into the temporary storage model.

Temporary storage: no prior action required
Cargo entering the UK under temporary storage can be stored in a temporary storage facility (usually the terminal) for up to 90 days at the border. No separate action is required before your driver leaves for the Dutch ferry terminal. After declaration by the UK importer or his representative to UK Customs, the goods travel on to their final destination.

Pre-lodgement: action first, then drive
With pre-lodgement, the UK importer or his representative makes the declaration even before the ferry leaves the Netherlands. Carrier on the Dutch side beware! Before the driver drives to the ferry terminal, you must first do the following in the UK Goods Vehicle Management Service (GMVS):

  • In GVMS, you link the import declaration made in the UK to your trailer. You do this using the MRN(s) transmitted to you by the UK importer or his representative.
  • You enter the Goods Movement Reference (GMR) that GVMS then generates with your ferry booking. Only if the ferry terminal has the GMR when your trailer arrives will your cargo be able to proceed without delay.

Read here how to obtain a GMR for each shipment

One-time registration in GVMS
To be able to use GVMS for pre-lodgement shipments, you as a carrier register once with the UK government.

Helpful help for proper use of GVMS
The UK government offers several handy inputs to help you get started for GVMS:

UK inspection yes or no
On arrival in the UK, GVMS cargo can generally proceed immediately. Alternatively, the driver may be referred to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for inspection. Before arriving in the UK, check whether this applies to your cargo via this handy UK government website. Filling in your cargo’s GMR is all you need to do. One click and you know where you stand. If inspection is indeed required, the website, available in 12 languages, will also help you on your way.

UK government also helps you on your way! – As happens in the Netherlands, the UK government also makes an effort to keep you optimally informed about all the requirements that apply in transport with the UK.

24/7 Gov.UK helpline
For all questions about your exports to or imports from the UK, call the UK Customs (HMRC) helpline 24/7: +44 300 322 9434. Chat with HMRC is also available.

Urgent problem at the border?
Is your cargo stuck at the border? With urgent questions, call +44 300 322 9434, option 1.

Carriers’ Handbook
Through a Carriers’ Handbook, the UK government provides hauliers with a comprehensive reference guide to the rules for all the different types of RoRo (accompanied and unaccompanied) transport between the European Union and the UK.

Website offers even more information
Lots of information on doing business with the UK can also be found on this UK government website (in English).

Postponement of further UK customs rules until end 2023 – The United Kingdom (UK) has postponed the introduction of customs rules announced for 1 July 2022 and beyond. In concrete terms, this means that for the time being, businesses do NOT need to prepare for:

  • Mandatory security declarations for all cargo – ENS
  • Certification for most veterinary and phytosanitary cargo
  • Checks on this veterinary and phytosanitary cargo at Border Control Posts
  • Certification and checks for all dairy products
  • Certification and checks for all remaining veterinary cargo

The UK government has announced its intention to publish a new regime for import controls in autumn 2022. This will be done in a Target Operating Model. Following this, a start will be made with the implementation at the end of 2023.

You can read the official statement of the British government about the postponement here. A translation of this information for the business community can be found on

Please note! All existing customs regulations in the UK remain in force.

Additional security data (ENS) also mandatory for exports to the UK as of July 1 – From the 1st of July 2022, it will be mandatory to provide UK Customs with safety and security information in advance for all goods coming into the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union. This is done by means of a so-called Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). Such an ENS has already been mandatory for imports from the UK to the EU since the start of Brexit.

Who is responsible for submitting the ENS for exports to the UK?

The UK government has made the following subdivision for the submission of the ENS for cargo from the EU to the UK:

  • For unaccompanied transport, the ferry operator bears responsibility for the ENS
  • For accompanied transport, the transporter (or the party acting on their behalf) bears responsibility for the ENS

The British government explains all the requirements that the ENS must meet in a webinar with accompanying presentation:

Read the presentation Watch the webinar

How do the Dutch ferry operators deal with this?

Attention transporters! In practice, the above means for transport via the Dutch ferry operators:

  1. CLdN will take care of the ENS for both accompanied and unaccompanied transport. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Implementation is optional from mid-May. Obligatory submission of extra security data starts 1 July.
  2. DFDS applies:
    1. For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, DFDS provides the ENS. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Introduction will start on 1 July.
    2. For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the carrier (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier you will have to fill in extra security data in GVMS as from 1 July.
  3. P&O Ferries applies:
    1. For unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, P&O Ferries provides the ENS. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Information on optional introduction will follow. Obligatory submission of extra security data starts 1 July.
    2. For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the carrier (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier you are required to fill in extra security data in GVMS as of 1 July.
  4. Stena Line applies:
      1. For unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, Stena Line provides the ENS. Stena Line is already asking you for the required extra security data via the booking portal.
      2. For accompanied or unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier, you must then fill in extra security data in GVMS as of 1 July.


Ferryoperator Unaccompanied transport
via temporary storage
Unaccompanied transport
via prelodgement
Accompanied transport
via temporary storage
Unaccompanied transport
via prelodgement
1. CLdN ENS via ferry operator ENS via ferry operator ENS via ferry operator ENS via ferry operator


ENS via ferry operator ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) ENS via ferry operator ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf)
3. P&O Ferries


ENS via ferry operator ENS via ferry operator not applicable ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf)
4. Stena Line


ENS via ferry operator ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) ENS via ferry operator ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf)


Please consult the websites of the ferry operators for more information.

Important for transporters! Pre-lodgement model requires notification in GVMS prior to departure – For cargo that you are transporting to the UK conform the pre-lodgement model, you as a transporter must always take action before you proceed to the Dutch ferry terminal. This is what you need to do:

  • In the British Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS), you must link the declaration made in the UK to your trailer. You do this using the MRN(s) provided to you by the UK importer or their representative.
  • You specify the Goods Movement Reference (GMR) that is subsequently generated by GVMS when you make your ferry booking. Only if the ferry terminal has the GMR when your trailer arrives can your cargo continue without delay following its arrival in the UK.

Read here how you can obtain a GMR for each shipment 

One-time registration in GVMS
In order to be able to use GVMS for pre-lodgement shipments, you must submit a one-time registration as a carrier with the British government.

Convenient help for proper use GVMS
The British government offers various convenient manners to help you on your way with GVMS.

Inspection in the UK yes or no
Before arriving in the UK, you can easily check whether your cargo is subject to inspection via this convenient website of the UK government. All you need to do is fill in the GMR of your cargo. One click and you know where you stand. If inspection is indeed required, the website, which is available in thirteen languages, will also help you on your way.

Attention carriers! Temporary storage and pre-lodgement place new demands on import in UK – Since the 1st of January, the British government has been using two different models for the entry of cargo into the UK: temporary storage and pre-lodgement.

Temporary storage
Goods entering the UK can be stored at the border at a temporary storage facility (often the terminal) for up to 90 days. For the transporter, nothing changes in the booking process or terminal call in the Netherlands. After the importer or their representative have submitted the declaration to British Customs, the goods travel on to their final destination.

The British importer or their representative already submit the declaration before the ferry departs in the Netherlands. Attention transporters in the Netherlands! Before the driver proceeds to the ferry terminal, you must first link declaration(s) submitted in the UK to your trailer in the British Goods Vehicle Management Service (GMVS). Read here how this works. Upon arrival in the UK, the cargo can next usually continue immediately, or the driver is referred to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for inspection.

When temporary storage, when pre-lodgement?
The ports which are served by the Dutch ferry operators allow for both access models. Check this schedule for each ferry operator to see when temporary storage is applicable to your cargo and when pre-lodgement.

As a transporter, also be sure to carefully check for each shipment which model the British importer (or their representative) has selected: temporary storage or pre-lodgement. This prevents unnecessary delays at the Dutch ferry terminals and at the British border.

Please note! If you select the wrong model, this can often no longer be corrected after arrival at the Dutch ferry terminals. The shipment will automatically fall under the temporary storage model.

Prepare now for the health and phytosanitary certificate that is mandatory as of 1 July – As of the 1st of July 2022, the British government requires a health certificate (veterinary) or phytosanitary certificate (plant products) for most of the veterinary and phytosanitary cargo that enters the UK. From that date on, these cargo types will also be inspected at the British border. The implementation comprises 3 steps:

1 July 2022: Certification + inspection most veterinary and phytosanitary cargo
This entails:

  • All other regulated animal by-products
  • All regulated plants and plant products (including floriculture)
  • Meat and meat products
  • Biological products

1 September 2022: Certification + inspection all dairy products
1 November 2022: Certification + inspection all remaining veterinary cargo

In the Netherlands, certification is performed by the NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) and the various inspection services. Due to the large cargo flows that are bound for the UK, an operational approach with a minimal impact on logistics has been developed in consultation with the business community. As a precondition for this, it however is imperative that the relevant business community prepares properly. Now is the time to spring into action! The NVWA expects that parties that still have to start preparing after the 1st of April will be too late to catch the proverbial ‘early boat’ as of the 1st of July.

Certification procedure
In order to smoothly obtain export certificates, the government places many actions and responsibilities with the business community itself. Every company must comply with an extensive protocol for this. This protocol must be agreed upon and recorded with the NVWA or the relevant inspection service before the 1st of July. For phytosanitary cargo, a training course for company employees is involved as well.

Strictly operating according to protocol
Every company must be ready to operate according to the agreed-upon protocol by the 1st of July. Those who are not, will have to join the queue. It is essential that companies strictly adhere to the protocols. Otherwise, the government, from their responsibility for issuing export certificates, may impose additional requirements that guarantee correct operations, but hinder smooth handling.

More info
Many details about the forthcoming implementation of health and phytosanitary certificates, border controls, etc. are currently still being discussed by the European Union, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Thewebsite of the NVWA always features up-to-date information.