Additional security data (ENS) also mandatory for exports to the UK as of July 1 – From the 1st of July 2022, it will be mandatory to provide UK Customs with safety and security information in advance for all goods coming into the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union. This is done by means of a so-called Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). Such an ENS has already been mandatory for imports from the UK to the EU since the start of Brexit.
Who is responsible for submitting the ENS for exports to the UK?
The UK government has made the following subdivision for the submission of the ENS for cargo from the EU to the UK:
- For unaccompanied transport, the ferry operator bears responsibility for the ENS
- For accompanied transport, the transporter (or the party acting on their behalf) bears responsibility for the ENS
The British government explains all the requirements that the ENS must meet in a webinar with accompanying presentation:
How do the Dutch ferry operators deal with this?
Attention transporters! In practice, the above means for transport via the Dutch ferry operators:
- CLdN will take care of the ENS for both accompanied and unaccompanied transport. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Implementation is optional from mid-May. Obligatory submission of extra security data starts 1 July.
- DFDS applies:
- For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, DFDS provides the ENS. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Introduction will start on 1 July.
- For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the carrier (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier you will have to fill in extra security data in GVMS as from 1 July.
- P&O Ferries applies:
- For unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, P&O Ferries provides the ENS. Additional security data can be provided via the booking portal. Information on optional introduction will follow. Obligatory submission of extra security data starts 1 July.
- For accompanied and unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the carrier (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier you are required to fill in extra security data in GVMS as of 1 July.
- Stena Line applies:
- For unaccompanied transport via temporary storage, Stena Line provides the ENS. Stena Line is already asking you for the required extra security data via the booking portal.
- For accompanied or unaccompanied transport via prelodgement, the transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) is responsible for the ENS. As a carrier, you must then fill in extra security data in GVMS as of 1 July.
Ferryoperator | Unaccompanied transport via temporary storage |
Unaccompanied transport via prelodgement |
Accompanied transport via temporary storage |
Unaccompanied transport via prelodgement |
1. CLdN | ENS via ferry operator | ENS via ferry operator | ENS via ferry operator | ENS via ferry operator |
ENS via ferry operator | ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) | ENS via ferry operator | ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) |
3. P&O Ferries
ENS via ferry operator | ENS via ferry operator | not applicable | ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) |
4. Stena Line
ENS via ferry operator | ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) | ENS via ferry operator | ENS via transporter (or someone acting on his behalf) |
Please consult the websites of the ferry operators for more information.