Temporary storage and pre-lodgement models change UK imports as per 1 January 2022
www.getreadyforbrexit.eu – Since 1 January, the UK government allows two different models for the entry of cargo into the UK.
A brief overview:
Model 1: Temporary storage
Goods entering the UK may be stored at a temporary storage facility at the border (often the terminal) for up to 90 days. As a transporter, nothing will change in your booking process or terminal visit. After having been declared to British Customs by the importer or their representative, the goods travel on to their final destination.
Model 2: Pre-lodgement
The British importer or their representative already submit the declaration before the ferry departs from the Netherlands. The transporter in the European Union must also take action before commencing to drive. Upon arrival in the UK, the cargo can next usually immediately continue, or the driver may be referred to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for inspection.
When temporary storage, when pre-lodgement?
It is up to the British ports themselves to determine which access model(s) they want to use. The ports served by the Dutch ferry operators allow both models. Check this schedule for each ferry operator to see when temporary storage applies to your cargo and when pre-lodgement.