How to move smoothly through the port even after the TOM

The new UK rules in the Border Target Operating Model (TOM) for importing phytosanitary and veterinary cargo have relatively little impact on smooth transport through Dutch ports. However, there are a few key points to watch out for! This also applies to access to the United Kingdom (UK).

Get Ready for Brexit

Of course, for smooth transport through Dutch ports, the Get Ready for Brexit chain solution applies without question. All Dutch ferry terminals and shortsea terminals have made participation in this mandatory since the Brexit. Carriers, forwarders, importers, exporters and drivers: everyone has a job to do. Without digitally pre-notified customs documents, cargo cannot enter and leave the terminal. No document, no transport!


Extra for phytosanitary and veterinary cargo

Phytosanitary and veterinary cargo of medium or high risk to the UK will be subject to certificate requirements since 31 January 2024. Without a phytosanitary or veterinary certificate, these goods will not enter the UK. Read more here which products are involved and how the inspection process for certification in the Netherlands works. 

There is no check in Dutch ports for the (digital) presence of a phytosanitary or veterinary certificate when goods are exported. Businesses are responsible for ensuring that everything is in order. Of course, a correct export declaration must be made to Dutch Customs prior to departure. At random, Customs may carry out cargo checks. 

Required for entry to the UK

Checks for the presence of the correct certificates do take place on the UK side. For access to the UK for cargo requiring a certificate, timely action is therefore required in the Netherlands prior to transport: 

  1. A long-standing commitment is to register medium- and high-risk phytosanitary and veterinary cargo in IPAFFS before arrival at the UK port. This is done by the importer (or its representative) in the UK. For this IPAFFS notification is now also required the phytosanitary or veterinary certificate number. Make sure your partner in the UK has the right information in good time.
  2. Incoming phytosanitary and veterinary cargo inspects UK authorities at the port of arrival at Border Control Posts (BCPs) for veterinary cargo and for phytosanitary cargo. These checks range from 100% for high-risk products to spot checks for medium-risk products. Read more here on how to avoid unnecessary stops of low-risk cargo at BCPs.

KCB number fruit and vegetables on export declaration in the Netherlands

Due to EU rules, since 1 April 2022, exports of fruit and vegetables from the Netherlands to the UK require a quality inspection (in Dutch only). As the exporter, you must state the number of the quality certificate issued by the KCB on your export declaration. Without this number, your shipment stalls at Dutch Customs and therefore the cargo cannot be reported to the ferry terminal via Portbase.