What are the differences between the temporary storage model and the pre lodgement model?
Submitting import declarations to UK Customs has been possible through two different models since 1 January 2022: Pre-lodgement and Temporary storage. Key features of both models:
In the pre-lodgement model, the UK importer or his representative files his customs declaration even before goods are embarked in the EU. The EU carrier must then link the declaration(s) to its trailer even before it can start driving towards the ferry terminal via the UK Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). The resulting Goods Movement Reference (GMR) is what the carrier needs for access to the Dutch ferry terminal. Once the goods arrive by ferry at the UK port, they can generally go straight through, or the driver is referred to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for inspection.
Temporary storage
Goods entering the UK in accordance with the temporary storage model can be stored in a temporary storage facility for up to 90 days at the border. After being declared to UK Customs, the goods then travel on to their final destination in the UK.