CLECAT Circular 2021/265 (BREXIT) – HMRC Webinars & Communication Materials

Clecat circular – We would like to share with you some useful information materials from the HMRC, as well as supporting documents to recent webinars, which form part of its engagement activity with stakeholders to ensure they understand the new obligations and processes from January 2022.

Related to haulier communication to support the use of GVMS as of 1 January 2022, enclosed you will find two guidance documents on import and export movements. Enclosed you will also find the slides presented by the HMRC during the import and export processes webinars, held on 1 and 2 December, along with two FAQs documents, produced from the webinars.

Enclosed you will also find the slides presented by the HMRC during the detailed webinar on GVMS, held on 6 December. The recording of the webinar is available here.

Additionally, enclosed you will find a presentation on Hauliers Customer Support Model and Business Continuity Plan, which provides an overview of the appropriate channels for stakeholders to direct any issues they experience.

We would also like to inform you that the HMRC has updated the list of ports that will use the GVMS from 1 January 2022, including the border locations using GVMS to support pre-lodged customs controls in Northern Ireland, the locations supporting pre-lodged customs controls for movements into Great Britain, the locations supporting pre-lodged customs controls for movements out of Great Britain, and the border locations using GVMS to support Offices of Transit. You will find the updated list here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  Haulier Customer Support Model And Business Continuity Plan.pdf
  Hmrc Exports Webinar 2 December 2021_Faq.pdf
  Hmrc Gvms Step-By-Step Webinar 6 December 2021.pdf
  Hmrc Imports Webinar 1 December 2021_Faq.pdf
  Hmrc Exports Webinar 2 December 2021.pdf
  Hmrc Imports Webinar 1 December 2021.pdf
  Gvms Haulier Guidance Exports.pdf
  Gvms Haulier Guidance Imports.pdf