Why am I not granted access to the terminal and how can I fix this?
1) Booking is not known at the ferry or shortsea terminal:
- Check or have checked whether the booking number is correct.
- Booking number not correct? Use Portbase to have the pre-notification of the customs documents at the terminal corrected.
- Booking number correct? Contact Portbase via servicedesk@portbase.com.
2) No customs declaration has been submitted to Customs:
- Have a customs declaration filed with Customs.
- Next, have the customs documents electronically pre-notified at the terminal via Portbase.
3) The customs documents have not been (correctly) pre-notified at the terminal via Portbase:
- Have the customs documents pre-notified electronically at the terminal via Portbase.
4) You do not have a valid proof of identity:
- Contact the consulate or embassy of your own country.