What are the differences between the temporary storage model and the pre lodgement model?

Submitting import declarations to UK Customs has been possible through two different models since 1 January 2022: Pre-lodgement and Temporary storage. Key features of both models:

In the pre-lodgement model, the UK importer or his representative files his customs declaration even before goods are embarked in the EU. The EU carrier must then link the declaration(s) to its trailer even before it can start driving towards the ferry terminal via the UK Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS). The resulting Goods Movement Reference (GMR) is what the carrier needs for access to the Dutch ferry terminal. Once the goods arrive by ferry at the UK port, they can generally go straight through, or the driver is referred to an Inland Border Facility (IBF) for inspection.

Temporary storage
Goods entering the UK in accordance with the temporary storage model can be stored in a temporary storage facility for up to 90 days at the border. After being declared to UK Customs, the goods then travel on to their final destination in the UK.

How do ferry operators operating in the Netherlands apply the two different models (pre-lodgement, temporary storage) for access to UK ports?



Ferry operator


British ports of call Access model
CLdN Purfleet


  • For imports to the UK: the temporary storage model.
    Optional pre-lodgement is possible.
  • For transit documents with ‘office of destination’ in
    the UK: the pre-lodgement model.

Note! No GMR on arrival at Dutch terminal means
automatic processing according to the temporary storage model (no
change possible anymore).

DFDS Felixstowe



  • For imports to the UK: the temporary storage model.
    Optional pre-lodgement is possible.
  • For ongoing transit documents with ‘office of destination’ in
    the UK: the pre-lodgement model.

Note! No GMR on arrival at Dutch terminal means
automatic processing according to the temporary storage model (no
change possible anymore).

P&O Ferries




  • For unaccompanied traffic to the UK: the temporary storage
    model. Optional pre-lodgement is possible for transit
    transit documents with ‘office of destination’ in the UK.
  • For accompanied traffic to the UK: the pre-lodgement model.

Note! With pre-lodgement: no GMR on arrival at the
Dutch ferry terminal, no entry.

Stena Line Harwich



  • For accompanied traffic to the UK: the pre-lodgement model.
  • For ongoing transit documents (accompanied and unaccompanied)
    with ‘office of destination’ in the UK: the pre-lodgement model.
  • For imports to the UK: the temporary storage model.
    Optional pre-lodgement is available.

Note! No GMR on arrival at Dutch terminal means
automatic processing according to the temporary storage model (no
change possible).


What is the difference between TOM and BOM?

The customs rules in the Border Target Operating Model (TOM) complement existing customs formalities set out in the Border Operating Model (BOM).

When will the TOM go into effect?

The UK government is introducing the TOM in phases:

  1. 31 January 2024
    Requiring health declarations and phytosanitary certificates for imports into the UK of animal products, plants and plant products with a medium risk from the EU.
  2. 30 April 2024
    Introduction of documentary checks and risk-based identity and physical checks of medium-risk animal products, plants and plant products risk from the EU.
  3. 31 October 2024
    All exporters from the EU will be required, prior to transport to the UK to submit a safety declaration (ENS).

What is the TOM?

TOM stands for Border Target Operating Model. With it, the UK government introduces additional customs rules and a renewed control regime for access of goods to the UK.

For whom is the TOM relevant?

In phase 1 (31-01-2024) and phase 2 (30-04-2024), the TOM is important first and foremost for exporters and their supply chain partners exporting veterinary and phytosanitary cargo from the EU to the UK. In phase 3 (31-10-2024), the TOM affects all exporters and their supply chain partners.

Which SCAC-code do I have to include in Portbase prior to entering the booking number in the prenotification to the ferryterminal?

If you prenotify  to the ferry terminal in Portbase, the first 4 positions (SCAC code) of the booking number make sure that the notification is sent to the correct ferry operator. Read the full explanation for export and import at Portbase Support.

Can I as a truck driver travel to the UK with an ID card after Brexit or do I need a passport?

Since 1 October 2021 you will need a valid passport for entrance to the UK. If you became a UK resident on or before 31 December 2020, you can continue to use your ID card to travel between the Netherlands and the UK until at least the end of 2025.  Read more here.

Which adjusted process applies to arrivals of veterinary cargo by ferry from the UK since 8 January 2021?

Read the letter from the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) dated January 8, 2021 describing the new process.


Which party in the chain usually pre-registers at the terminal?

For a smooth export and import process after Brexit, digital pre-notification of customs documents to the terminal is mandatory. For each logistics chain, you agree which party will do this pre-notification. Who is the most suitable party to pre-notify the import document (the NID notification via the Portbase service Notification Import Documentation) and the export document (the NED notification via the service Notification Export Documentation) depends on who has the necessary data:

  • For the NID notification, these data are: terminal, shipment id., document type, document number and modality.
  • For the NED notification, these data are: document type, document number, booking number and dentification of means of transport.

An example:

In case of import (goods from United Kingdom to the Netherlands)
A Dutch trading company buys high-quality medical equipment from an English supplier. The Dutch trading company arranges the transport of the equipment via Everyday transport company and has the customs formalities handled by customs agent Declaration & Co. Everyday gives – after completing the booking in the booking system of the ferry operator – all booking and shipment details to Declaration & Co. After receipt of this, Declaration & Co will take care of the import declaration.

Advice: Declaration & Co chooses to pre-notify the import documents because they have all the necessary information for the NID notification: terminal, shipment ID, document type, document number and modality.

For exports (goods from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom)
The Dutch flower trader QualiFlower sells flowers to a large English supermarket chain. The flowers have to be delivered as early as possible every morning to distribution centres in the UK. QualiFlower has the transport of the flowers carried out by FerryFresh; a carrier specialised in accompanied transport with conditioned trailers. QualiFlower engages Janssen Customs forwarders to make the export declarations.

Every morning, QualiFlower receives the orders for delivery the day after. At noon, QualiFlower delivers all order details to Janssen Customs forwarders, who take care of the export declarations. FerryFresh loads all orders with QualiFlower at the end of the day. The FerryFresh planning department determines which orders are transported in which trailer. Due to last-minute orders and disruptions in the delivery process, this planning changes regularly.

Advice: the pre-notification of export documents in the NED service must include the booking number and the identification of the means of transport in addition to the export document type and document number. Because FerryFresh only knows shortly before departure which truck will transport the cargo, it has been decided that transporter FerryFresh will make the NED notification. Janssen Customs agents will forward the document number of the export declarations to FerryFresh in good time.